This activity manipulates photographs in order to convey new meanings, aspirations, or desires.
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Intervening on Images
This activity manipulates photographs in order to convey new meaning, aspirations, or desires. Participants re-design and re-construct images they have taken to imagine them anew.
Before beginning to intervene on images, encourage participants to make notes on how the photo could be shifted. Brainstorming before they begin may help in case they feel like the instructions are too vague.
Find examples of images intervened upon to set the stage for the exercise.
To artistically intervene on photographs
To generate a new photograph
Printed photographs
Drawing and permanent markers
Construction paper
Printed photographs are given to each participant (the photographer).
A variety of art supplies are made available to the group to re-construct their image. Participants are invited to manipulate their photos based upon a prompt. To do so, they might cut the photograph, cover up parts of the photo, draw over the image, add words or pictures, etc.
For example: If the participants are using an image produced through the photo challenge to take a photo of a place that needs a change, this is an opportunity to shift the image to convey how they think the place should change.
After they have created their new images, participants share them with the group and describe their process. Prompt them to discuss why they made decisions to remove and/or add parts of their images.
Suggested citation:
Tkaronto CIRCLE Lab. (2023). Intervening on Images [Land Education Dreambook].