Mapping photographs is an activity to arrange the images created by the participants as photo challenges.
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Mapping Photographs
Mapping photographs is an activity to arrange the images created by the participants as photo challenges. This activity is meant to demonstrate the relationships between images, and to consider them alongside one another.
Although this guide is based on using images created through photography challenges, mapping photographs can be done with existing images from a variety of resources.
Create a map of images from a selected photography challenge
Identify how images relate to one another
Printed photographs
Whiteboard or wall
Printed photographs are given to each participant (the photographer). Among the group, they discuss: Where were their photos taken? How close or far are their images from one another?
On a wall or a whiteboard, participants tape their images in proximity to one another. Once they have completed their map, have them take some time on their own to reflect upon the following questions:
What do you notice about the images that are closer to each other? How similar or different are they? What about the photos that are further away from one another?
What does this collection of photographs - the map - help you notice better? What stands out to you?
What does this map not capture? What photographs could fill the gaps or complement the images already there?
Facilitate a group discussion based on these reflection questions. Collaboratively decide upon a takeaway photo challenge that addresses the conversation from question 3.
Suggested citation:
Tkaronto CIRCLE Lab. (2023). Mapping Photographs [Land Education Dreambook].