Planning Transitions

Working with Young People

Some participants will move through a program from start to finish together. More often than not, however, participants might be leaving or joining a program at different points. Either way, it is important to plan for transitions and for how youth participants will enter and leave the program.

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Bringing Youth into Programs

Take time to plan how you will transition youth in and out of the program.

Some participants will move through a program from start to finish together. More often than not, however, participants might be leaving or joining a program at different points. Either way, it is important to plan for transitions and for how youth participants will enter and leave the program.

Welcoming new participants

When incorporating and transitioning new participants into a program that is already underway, it is important to bring the new participants up to speed and emphasize that you don’t have to be here from the beginning; rather, describe where we’re at, how we got here, and how we are working on this ongoing project together.

Tips: Provide opportunities for the young people to explain the work they have done so far or narrate the program from their perspectives. You could ask some young people to prepare something in advance to narrate the program to new participants, or you could pose questions to the group such as “What is one thing you wished you had known when you joined the program?”.

How will you incorporate and transition new participants into a program that is already underway?

Endings and Goodbyes

Will you have a special way of closing the program, or a way to send off participants who are leaving before the official “end”? Think of programs you’ve attended or experiences you’ve had: what has worked well or had not?

Recurring programs and ongoing involvement

If the program is recurring, is there a way for participants from one year or session to transition to a different role or stay involved in the future? Eg. Cohort-style programming where older youth can mentor younger participants, or future opportunities for involving those who want to stay connected after the program ends.

Suggested citation:

Tkaronto CIRCLE Lab. (2023). Planning Transitions [Land Education Dreambook].