The “Youth” in Youth Programming
Working with Young People
Before imagining how you will build a youth program, it’s important to think through your understanding of what “youth” means and who it includes.
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The “Youth” in Youth Programming
Take a moment to consider how conceptualizing “youth” as a structural location is different from “youth” as a developmental category. Who are the youth you want to work with in your program? What does it mean to work with young people?
Thinking more deeply now about young peoples’ expertise and desires for the future, what is important about building a land education program for youth?
What are your commitments to young people?
While the emphasis of the Dreambook is planning for programs for youth, what are some ways you can build in opportunities for intergenerational connection-making and -learning?

Suggested citation:
Tkaronto CIRCLE Lab. (2023). The Youth in Youth Programming [Land Education Dreambook].